
Match Made in Hell

Coming to Terms with America Giving Trump Another Chance

Welcome to my 38th Newsletter Friends!

Today is Sunday, the 10th of November, 2024, and it’s the end of what has been an incredibly frustrating week.

Most Unholy Matrimony

My oldest and dearest friend got married last week and I’m finding it really hard to be happy for her.

Maybe it’s none of my business, considering I moved away four and a half years ago, and we did kind of lose touch, but the guy she married is just such an asshole.

He’s one of those guys who just thinks he knows everything and more than the experts in every given field.

To hear him talk though, you’d think he knew nothing. He can’t even put a sentence together.

I don’t get it. The guy she dated before him was a real class act. He treated her with such respect. He listened to her and he spoke so eloquently. He gave her hope for the future and I remember her excitement about his “YES WE CAN” attitude.

He cared more about the health of their yet-to-be-born children and the condition of the world they would inherit than her decision whether or not to have them.

Unfortunately, her family hated him and judged him based on everything but the quality of his honor and character. They did everything they could to sabotage their relationship.

So they set her up with a guy they all liked, and unfortunately, I think his celebrity status and enormous wealth blinded her because he just wasn’t the type of guy she normally dates.

At first, she said it was refreshing to meet someone who was not afraid to speak his mind, but then they started having problems.

She said he embarrassed her when they went out on dates, always pushing his way to the front of the line with no regard for others. He belittled people who got in his way, even if they were just doing their jobs and he publicly ridiculed anyone who disagreed with him. He called people names like a school bully does at recess.

It wasn’t like her at all, but she started to look the other way every time he made racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks, she even laughed along once when he mocked someone with a disability.

It was at this point that I began to wonder if I’d always been wrong about her. Her morals and values just seemed to vanish and she started acting just like him.

But when he started to control her, using religion to strip her of her rights, she finally woke up. Unfortunately, it was a bit too late, the damage was done.

Just then women from his past started coming out of the woodwork with claims of sexual harassment or abuse, and the IRS started investigating how little he paid in taxes despite his vast wealth. She finally began to see what an absolute fraud and hypocrite he was.

When she decided to call it quits though, he refused to leave and things got very ugly and extremely dangerous. He began bitching about her to his goons and outlaw buddies and he got them so riled up that they went looking for her, armed with pepper spray, stun guns, and baseball bats.

He could’ve stopped them, but instead, the coward just watched from a safe distance as they broke into her house and began to destroy the place, and steel family heirlooms. Luckily she was able to escape, God only knows what would have happened if they had found her.

She had terrible guilt about the responding officers who were so badly injured when the angry mob attacked them and she had nightmares about those who died as a result.

Luckily, I was gone before any of that happened and I was relieved to hear that she met a nice guy shortly after, who took care of her and tried to heal her wounds.

Her friends and I called him Transition Guy, because he was the complete opposite of her ex, maybe a little too dull and mature for her, but we all needed a break from the drama.

We thought things were getting better with her until we started hearing rumors that she was thinking of giving this asshole another chance.

When we got the wedding invitation, we thought it was a joke. I mean, I know you don’t marry Transition Guy, but you don’t get back with your crazy volatile ex just because Transition Guy was such a bore!

But here we are! Four years later, and she said I do!

He made it pretty clear to all of her other potential suitors, those more deserving of her, that he would stop at nothing to win her back, so it’s no surprise that no one better stepped up to challenge him and take her hand.

It’s funny how she only seems to remember the good times. He made her feel safe and secure both physically and financially. But, honestly, that was just kinda how things were for all white and wealthy people back before COVID-19 and all of these wars and natural disasters pushed up inflation.

He’s got her convinced that he’s gonna wave his little wand and make her life great again and I sure hope she knows what that implies for those less fortunate than her and is willing to live with the consequences.

To be honest, I was a little worried she wouldn’t go through with it after finding out he paid hush money to a porn star he banged with money she had saved up and given to him to pay for their wedding and honeymoon.

I feared she’d leave him at the alter and he’d call up his militia of minions, who have been standing back and standing by and who have grown in numbers, strength, and firepower, and it wouldn’t just be her he’d have them go after. It would be everyone she loves and everything she ever stood for.

So, in a fucked up way, I guess she is safer but she is certainly a lot less free and no longer the role model and beacon of hope she once was to me.

She has traded hard-won FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and EQUALITY for ALL for a few more dollars in her pocket and the sense of security that he has promised.

Only time will tell how their marriage will work out. In the meantime, all I can do is pray for her. So GOD, Please Oh Please, BLESS AMERICA, MY OLDEST AND DEAREST FRIEND.


Thank You for Being Here My Friends!



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